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Trattamento di fumigazione obbligatorio per merci spedite via mare dall’Italia all’Australia e Nuova Zelanda

By Bacheca

Spett.le clientela,

si allega circolare con cui Australia e Nuova Zelanda introducono l’obbligo di effettuare trattamento di fumigazione per merci containerizzate spedite via mare dall’Italia per evitare la presenza della cimice asiatica.

Il periodo di rischio di tale misura si considererà concluso il giorno 30 aprile 2018.

Distinti saluti.

Circ. trattamento fumigazione

Saimare opens its own operating office Savona – Vado

By Bacheca

From today, January 2, 2018, Saimare Spa, a leading company in the field of customs services and international shipments, has opened its own operational headquarters at the port of Savona Vado, believing in future opportunities from the deal on the basis of the Maersk platform. , which is based at the interport, is able, taking into account its customers, a technical platform of the highest level.

Saimare, participated by the most important maritime and national logistics groups, closes the 2017 financial year with a growth of 10% and with the opening at the port of Vado it operates regularly in 19 Italian ports.

For information tel. 010 / 6027372

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